Charlotte Juin

I am originally a textile designer but I like to think of it as something more broad not to be stuck in one practice.
My design philosophy is that design is here to create link and meaning and gather people. Design communicates, educates, make you dream, sells, brings ideas to life.
I work between communication and textile design. I'm focus on sustainability, sharing practices and skills, weaving a link between different projects and professional. I participating on the Textile Waste project in collaboration with NICE Fashion (
I was interesting on the idea of revalorising the wool, to bring back to life crafts and find a path between crafts and design.
Last January I organized a pop up shop in Paris called Pop Up Design where we were selling the work of designers around the idea of savoir-faire (know-how) and sustainable design (
On the picture is my Master final show at Chelsea College of Art and Design. I worked on the notion of Unity and Fragment. I was looking for the missing link between these 2 notions and what defines them. I created a small shirt collection made out of recycled bed linen. I dyed, stitched and printed the shirts.