Vintage Irish Woollen Scarf
Vintage Irish Domestic Ceramics
Work in Progress
Vintage Woollen Shirt Dress
Vintage Woollen Scarves
Inlaid Resist
Needle Felting
MA Student at NCAD Dublin Ireland
Textile Design Teacher at BIFE Bray Co. Wicklow Ireland
Textile Design Teacher at BIFE Bray Co. Wicklow Ireland
The aim of Cloth Work MA in Textiles is to explore
process and technique and develop new possibilities for the application of
felt making, embroidery and print.
Through textile exploration
I have developed a strong personal process using feltmaking. The result of this
exploration is a strong graphic quality that evokes/mirrors
knit and weave.
A quality that can be
further developed and enhanced by the application of stitch and partnership
with print.
I am conscious that the key
fibre used in feltmaking is merino wool imported primarily from the southern
hemisphere. I aim to find alternatives, to shift the focus and challenge a
dependence on imported fibre.