About us

Wool Master Class from Fundesarte on Vimeo.

The Wool Master Class in France is part of six Master Classes financed by European Leonardo da Vinci Program.

The Master Classes are organized in two cycles:  

The First cycle, “DREAM” was coordinated by INMA in partnership with the Fundación Españolapara la Innovación de la Artesanía (Fundesarte – Espagne), the Western Finland design centre MUOVA – Finland, the Agence de Création Industrielle (APCI –France), the Osservatorio Mestieri d’Arte (OMA – Italy) and the Complexul National Muzeal Astra (Astra Museum – Romania)

The Second cycle “Crafts and Design in Europe” is coordinated by INMA in partnership with the Crafts Council of Ireland, the Slovakian Center of Folk Art Production(ULUV)the Fundación Española para la Innovación de la Artesanía(Fundesarte – Espagne) and the Agence de Création Industrielle (APCI – France).

The European master classes covering sectors such as fiber, glass, wood and ceramics, is aiming  at:
- Defining and enhancing the image that crafts and applied arts have in today's world
- Defining a training methodology which brings together heritage and creativity
- Defining the notion of innovation in relation to crafts and applied arts

Learn more at: dreamcraftsgallery.eu