Labo Pull
Alice Egler & Sonja de Monchy
Both color and material designers, Sonja de Monchy and Alice Egler met during their design
studies at ENSAD, which they were graduated in 2008. During two years after, they also
received the same education from Sciences Po School of Communication. Labopull project's
genesis is based on a reflexion about recycling materials,
ability to recover one's
imagination staying linked to the environment. The design approach
built on a deep work of textile research for new home and furnitures materials.
Today, they still go on improving this reflexion in their complementary fields: As Sonjaboth
developes a new pedagogy framework in order to initiate kids
to art and design,and design
products or
identity for
various customers, Alice works
on brand strategies and develops creatives concepts for retail and cosmetics fields."